【KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE -Triangle Edition-】
Koza in Okinawa City, a bustling city which is racially and ethnically diverse in Okinawa Prefecture. The first "KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE" was held under the As Alliance project in the city of Koza. The event was a great success which has attracted a lot of people to attend, including Japanese and Americans regardless of nationality. The second stage of the "KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE" series is going to be held both online and offline for the first time. The event will stream on the ZAIKO platform while the offline performance will be held following the social distancing guidelines! This time, "Ajna" and "Aimless" will appear as guests in addition to "As Alliance" from Okinawa! Delivering the performance from Okinawa to the world!
Date: October 31st, 2020(Sat)
Time: OPEN JST19:30/ START JST20:00
Venue: OKINAWA Cyber-Box(7F Murata Building, 1-32-5 Matsuyama, Naha City, Okinawa)
Ticket: Advance 1000yen/ Door 1500yen/ Streaming Ticket 1000yen
ACT:As alliance / Ajna / Aimless
Click here to check the event details and to purchase the streaming ticket: ZAIKO https://asalliance.zaiko.io/e/knightsofalliance
【KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE -Triangle Edition-】
在沖繩縣內也是聚集各種人種的城市,沖繩縣胡差。由As Alliance企劃舉辦的第一屆「KNIGHTS OF Alliance」就在這個城市舉行。此演出的觀眾不分國籍,不管是日本人還是美國人都聚集在一起,氣氛熱烈,圓滿結束。而這個「KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE」系列的第2階段,已決定由ZAIKO平台進行線上演出直播,以及採取保持社交距離的線下演出等二種方式同時舉行!這次除了來自沖繩的「As Alliance」以外,還迎來嘉賓樂團「Ajna」及「Aimless」參與演出!從沖繩面向全世界播出!
時間:日本時間 進場19:30/開演20:00
會場:OKINAWA Cyber-Box(沖繩県那霸市松山1-32-5 村田大樓7F)
票價:預售 1000日幣/現場 1500日幣/線上直播 1000日幣
陣容:As alliance / Ajna / Aimless
活動詳細、購買線上直播門票請由此連結進入:ZAIKO https://asalliance.zaiko.io/e/knightsofalliance
【KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE -Triangle Edition-】
오키나와현 안에서도 다양한 인종으로 번화하는 거리, 오키나와시 코자. 그런 코자에서 As Alliance 기획으로 개최된 제1회 'KNIGHTS OFALLIANCE'. 공연에는 일본인, 미국인 모두 뒤섞인 관객으로 붐비어, 대성공으로 막을 내렸다.그 'KNIGHTS OFALLIANCE' 시리즈 2탄인 ZAIKO 플랫폼을 통한 온라인과 거리 두기를 유지한 오프라인 두 가지 방식으로 개최 결정! 이번에는 오키나와에서 As Alliance에 덧붙여 Ajna와 Aimless가 게스트로 출연! 오키나와에서 전 세계로 생중계!
일정: 2020년 10월 31일(토)
시간: 개장 19:30/개연 20:00
장소: OKINAWA Cyber-Box(오키나와현 나하시 마츠야마 1-32-5 무라타빌딩 7층)
티켓: 예매 1000엔 / 당일 1500엔 / 온라인 시청 티켓 1000엔
ACT: Asalliance / Ajna / Aimless
이벤트 상세, 온라인 시청 티켓 구매하기: ZAIKO https://asalliance.zaiko.io/e/knightsofalliance
【KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE -Triangle Edition-】
沖縄県の中でも様々な人種で賑わう街、沖縄市コザ。そんなコザの街でAs Alliance企画で開催された第一回「KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE」。ライブの動員は国籍を問わず日本人もアメリカ人も入り乱れた観客で盛り上がり、大成功で幕を閉じた。その「KNIGHTS OF ALLIANCE」シリーズの第2段を、ZAIKOプラットフォームによるオンラインと、ソーシャルディスタンスをキープしたオフラインの、両方という初の方法で開催が決定!今回は沖縄から「As Alliance」に加えて「Ajna」と「Aimless」がゲスト出演!沖縄から全世界へ向けて配信!
会場:OKINAWA Cyber-Box(沖縄県那覇市松山1-32-5 村田ビル7階)
ACT:As alliance / Ajna / Aimless
イベント詳細、配信チケット購入はこちらから:ZAIKO https://asalliance.zaiko.io/e/knightsofalliance